

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Happy "Gotcha Day" Rene!

One year ago this weekend, I officially adopted Rene! I remember that day clearly. Mom came with us, Rene was hesitant to walk into the busy Petco through those scary sliding glass doors-Lee from the greyhound organization had to come out and help me get Rene into the store. She was put in a pen with other greys and I got to fill out all the official paperwork. We got our picture taken, and she was officially a part of the family!

I bought her a little anniversary treat at Petsmart the other day so she enjoyed it this morning. Rene, you have made me so happy since you came into my life! Thank you! Grampy, Gram, and Uncle Bob agree that you are one special addition to our family!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Greyhound as my Co-Pilot

April is Greyhound Adoption Month! What a coincidence! I officially adopted Rene last April. She is my little buddy for sure, and definitely a wonderful road trip companion! I love you Rene! I am so glad you made it into my life a year ago. You are pure joy for me (and Gram, Gramps and Uncle Bob!)

Who is that in the background, over my shoulder? A cut and paste image? A stuffed animal? 
Nope! It is my Grey Rene!