

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A much needed long weekend

I love Memorial weekend. It is the epitome of summer-festivals kick off the casual nature of summer, people barbeque, and it is time to do some things around the house. Although it was a rainy weekend the rain couldn't ruin what Memorial weekend means...3 months of blissful summertime.

I am happy to report that our Memorial weekend was eventful! Mike has been so sick these past months that we really haven't done much stuff that is fun. So this weekend we ventured out on a few small activities. We walked along the Gaylord St Festival; We had the Schultz's over for dinner; we ate lunch at Wazee Supper Club; we went to the mall; and we had dinner with my parents. In between we managed to watch Slumdog Millionaire but it took us two days to finish. All in all, because we were able to get out and about and spend time together, this weekend was wonderful for various reasons for both Mike and I.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

9.8 and counting

So through Weight Watchers over the past few weeks I have managed to lose almost 10 lbs!! Can you believe it? I feel so much better and more in control. I hope to go for another 10!

Mike is home. We are settling in to our new lifestyle. Who knew our day to day tasks could end up fun? At least we get to do them...and to do them together as as team. The little things are becoming so important.. A walk around 4 blocks makes my day.

I gardened a bit yesterday and put some containers together. I kept it all pretty simple and only planted a few. It felt good to get in and dig in the dirt a bit. I also love going to Paulino's to salivate over all the lovely flowers, shrubs and trees.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I dedicate this blog to friends and family

A friend who just had a baby checking in to see what meal she can make when Mike comes home. A friend off on a vacation just checking in to see how we are doing. A friend, in her work clothes, who comes over to vacuum the house before Mike's homecoming. A friend who walks Chester and Stanley, no easy feat. A dad who mows the lawn while I am at work. A mom who tirelessly makes a batch of requested lasagna. A brother who warns of a cold as to not infect Mike.

This blog is dedicated to our friends and family who have provided some of the most amazing support during our toughest times. We have both been through so much with cancer and other illness issues and your support eases the stress of immediate tasks and needs. We both love you all very much!

Love, Mel and Mike

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cheers to oncology nurses!

Mike is still in the hospital. I am not sure what we are waiting for as far as him coming home; I know pain management is a big thing but what are the other benchmarks? Everyday we face something new...a procedure for this...a fever...low sodium...One doctor tells us "You can go home this day" and then almost a week from that day passes and he is still there. Well...the good news is that the oncology floor is moving to a renovated part of the building. The rooms are big, the family room has games, DVD players and such, there are new TVs in the rooms. So, if he is going to stay a while then it sounds like this is the right time to be there.

I love oncology nurses. They are so kind, compassionate, and are very in-tune with pain and managing the pain. I was talking to his night nurse about why she chose oncology. She said she gets to know the patients personally because often they are long term in the hospital. Now that is what healthcare should be all about! Almost all oncology nurses we have had have been wonderful, except of course with the exception of two or three...the "lecture" nurse and the "deaf" nurse we could do without.

My husband is so brave. He tries any procedure they throw at him without batting an eye-if it might work or help then why not? He lives through NPO status (while I would die of starvation!) and people pricking and prodding and poking. Honestly, if I were in his shoes I would need an adequate dose of Xanax to get through the day. Not Mike...he has always been the braver and stronger of the two of us. I am not down on myself...just acknowledging that while my husband can spend a year in Antarctica I can't even sit through traffic on I-25 without having a nervous breakdown.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My First Class

The night I have been preparing for came last night. I taught my first Regis class! It is ED 205 Intro to Adult Learning and it is one of the first classes adult students take when they come back to school after some time. I love the mix of students. There are 5 students in the class and they really just took to each other right away. They were all so chatty, funny, and engaged. I thought we would be done by 9 but we went all the way until 10pm! I am just so motivated and excited about this class. I hope they end up liking the class and liking me!

Mike is still in the hospital. I get to see him every day which is such a blessing and a treat. Hopefully he is able to come home for the weekend.

I got to visit Baby Luca the other day while Meg was still in the hospital. He is seriously one of the most perfect babies I have ever seen. He was moving around quite a bit, looking around, and was just so active already. I got to hold him for a minute and it was so nice to have something like this to be a part of.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What a birthday present!

Happy Birthday to Meg! I believe the best birthday present ever is the arrival of baby Luca. Congrats to Meg, V, Mia that baby Luca has finally joined your beautiful crew!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

7 pounds and counting

I skipped my Weight Watchers on Friday due to the fact that Mike had to go to the hospital (another time, another blog). But, i weighed in on my own at home and I believe I lost 7 pounds!! I have really been trying to stick to the Weight Watchers plan and it has been working well. I think I must have been eating 3 times what I should be. Now, I am so much more conscietious. I am not letting stress get to me this time...this time I am trying to take better care of myself.

Mike is in the hospital again. I think it is better he is there than at home...I can't do some of the things they can do in the hospital. I am trying to have a better balance. I am thinking ahead, too. When MIke is home and when Meg has Baby P and can be away for a bit we are both due for a spa day. It will happen for sure...it is much needed for both of us!!