Last night I had the fortunate opportunity to spend time with some great women. My friend Karen is leaving the SCFD to be the cultural liasion for the City and County of Broomfield. It is a great opportunity so to celebrate we went out for dinner with other SCFD past or present employees...all of whom are female. We came to the consensus that the SCFD office leads to great things...Karen's new job, one gal is now teaching at DU, another started a graduate program, and even my own path has been successful. Just being with some great women for a night re-inspired me.
I realized at Karen's going away party that I have gained confidence since working at SCFD. I remember always feeling not confident around the board members, directors of arts organizations, and the cultural council people. Since I was just the office admin I always felt like a peon in the world of the arts. But yesterday I just felt so much more confident. I walked right up to the past board chair and re-introduced myself-we talked education and work. I met several cultural people. I introduced myself to a gal who works for the Daniel's Fund, where Regis students are often recipients and got her card. I just felt so good and I realize I have grown and matured in even a short time, 2 years.
I decided to take this confidence to the next level for a little self improvement. I saw my friend Melissa who is trying to get in shape by training for a 5k. She isn't much of a runner, and I am a pretty slow jogger, so we decided to meet once a week and jog at the park together. We may try a little 5k this May. We met this morning, and ran the outside path of the park in a little under 30 minutes. It was invigorating, fun, and felt good to focus on me for just a bit. I think it is a blessing that as humans we grow and change and become stronger people. I am glad that I recognize it when it happens to me.