

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One more school year!

Yesterday, school started. I was like a little school girl the weekend before! Friday, I got my hair cut. I went shopping for some professional clothes for my internship. I can't dress like I do at the shelter...there it is okay to wear sweats, jeans and the like; At this internship I need to look a lot more professional. Sunday, I packed my backpack, figured out my outfit, and made my lunch. A change from last year is that this year, I am taking the lightrail. It takes about 20 mins both ways to go to and come home from class. I figured that I don't get much exercise on my school days, so this is the one way I can get a little of that in as well (no more freshman 15 this year)! My first day went great! I remember last year, on my first day, the insecurities I felt as a newbie, not knowing anyone. Not knowing where I would have lunch or with whom or by myself. This year, none of those insecurities were there. I got to class and saw a lot of familiar faces, and I knew what to expect in my classes. I am taking a theory class: Perspectives on Adulthood; a policy class: Social Healthcare Policy; and a mental health class: Assessment of Mental Health for Adults. On my break, I sat outside and saw people I knew; In class, I sat next to some other people I knew; The content of class was familiar; and I just felt so good and positive all day. Tuesdays I have off, completely. These are going to be my "self-care" days-unless of course I have an assignment due and I need a little last minute working time. Today, I slept in, took a nice bike ride at Wash Park, and went to the grocery store to plan for the week. The boys and I took a few nice walks, and I am now watching "Julie and Julia." Tomorrow I start my new internship at Agape Hospice, which will be on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. As much as I moaned and groaned about my internship last year, I learned so much. I learned, especially, how to be an intern. Tomorrow is a lot of paperwork and introductions, and the rest of the week a lot of orientation. Though I wrestled last year with picking my internship site, I am now really excited and thrilled about choosing this one. My weekends are reserved for homework and part time work at the shelter, and of course seeing family and friends. I just have a really good feeling about it all and I know this year is just going to fly by!

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