

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Best...

...Summer vacation day while at home so far! Often I equate "time off" and "vacation" with getting out of town. It takes an immense amount of determination, will and stamina for me to consider a "vacation day" while at home. Because, at home, I can eat all day...watch TV...putter around the house...nap...and NOT shower. All very considerably low level activities. Thinking about leaving the house can be a bit of an event. Just thinking about it, even. I woke up today, missing the mountains but re-energized in my vacation time. I slept in a bit, and after breakfast and a dog walk I went to Lair of the Bear Park for a walk. It was beautiful, and cool, and had some interesting views along the way...that whole "Dunafan Castle" is a bit of an an eye sore but altogether fascinating. After my long walk/hike/whatever, I came home and had lunch. I decided to take myself to a movie which meant showering and getting ready. After all the prep time, I went to see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." What a GREAT movie! Mom and dad, if you are reading my blog, you must go see it! The movie is about a group of 60 somethings, all individuals deciding to spend their retired years in a housing unit in India that is supposed to cater to the "elderly and beautiful". They all meet at the airport and when they get to India they find the hotel less than desirable. However, they find peace in many aspects of their lives with this experience. I actually could relate to Judi Dench's character...A recent widow, trying to figure out her life, and blogging about it all when she gets to India. After the movie, I decided that my recent bout of heartburn kept me from celebrating with Indian food. I went to Brio Tuscan Grille instead and had a salad and flatbread while reading Joan Didian's recent book, "Blue Nights." It was a beautiful day and I am going to treat myself to a date with myself again tomorrow. Meg's "V" gave me a VIP pass to the Yves St. Laurent exhibit at the DAM so I will take myself there, and maybe even to lunch at Palettes. Yes, vacation days are nice when they happen out of town, but they can be equally as nice while IN town!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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