

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm Itchin...

This time of year I'm itchin...for spring, to garden, to get in shape for summer clothes, for baseball, for my yard, for long evening walks, for cool morning runs before the day gets hot...Today, I'm itchin for a good book to read! Help! I just got done with Into the Wild (great suggestion, Meg) and my book club book This I Believe is almost done. I need fiction! A good story, one that is deep and sad and profound...or I would settle for something fun, but I just need a good read. Any suggestions, send them along. I do have Truman Capote's In Cold Blood on hold at the library. I saw Capote on DVD last weekend and loved it. I am fascinated by the 1960-1970 eccentric writers, artists and musicians...I love reading a biography and seeing "Partied with Andy Warhol" somewhere in there. I wish I could have been a sociologist in the 1960's...And today I am not itchin as much as I will be when the weather gets warm. By this I mean allergies. I forget that I have a love/hate relationship with spring because of how stuffed up, sneezy and runny I get when all the lucious leaves and crocuses start popping out. Oh well, it is a small price to pay to bring me out of the winter drudgery.

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