

Monday, March 10, 2008

Proud of my brother

I have had the unique opportunity to get to know my brother not only as a sibling, but as a friend and co-worker. I don't know how many people have that opportunity. I am impressed with Robert as a co-worker...his work ethic and dedication to being the best at whatever he is doing, his "in the present" attitude, and his care for his co-workers is inspiring. Having worked in the same department for almost two years, I see the respect and care his co-workers had for him-he is immensely popular among everyone.

I am also proud to say my brother is a good citizen. He is getting an award this week from Goodwill. He has been mentoring a student named Othello and is getting the Goodwill Mentor/Mentee award. Here is the link for more info:

Our friend Kendra tells us both (but probably Robert especially) what great parents we had...they raised great kids...and I hope they are proud! I know I am proud to say Robert is my brother.

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