

Monday, June 2, 2008

Partied like it was the 1860's

Saturday we spent some time seeing what it was like to live, cook and eat in the 1860's. Thanks to Meg's desire to live like Laura Ingalls Wilder, and some willing friends, we went to the Littleton Historical Museum and participated in communal living for the afternoon. Among other activities, Mike, Amy and I chopped vegetables, Andy churned ice cream, and Meg and V made vinegar pie. It took a few hours for the full meal to be created-smoked chicken, vegetables, bread pudding, cheese, pies, bread-and so we chatted while listening to Rex the banjo player. The guys snuck us bottles of hard cider (women weren't allowed back then for fear of corruption) and we sat down to eat around 5:30 or so. It was a delicious meal! All in all, it was such a fun day and a shout out to Meg for her creativity.

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