

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I survived

Well, today was WT day. When I made the appoinment to have my wisdom teeth removed, it seemed so far away. Now it has come and gone and I survived. All my internal thoughts really have been a bit dramatic. It wasn't that bad, and recovery so far has been smooth (knock on wood). A shout out to Dad, who carted me there and listened to my droning on and on about anxiety (I left the xanax at home for fear that it wouldn't mix well with anesthesia; next best medicine is talking a lot). I did at one point think, "I could just leave now..." But I didn't. They knew how nervous I was and so they plopped me in the chair, put the nighty night gas mask on and when I woke up they were moving me to the recovery room. A shout out to Mom, who spent the day wit me. She made me lunch, watched an episode of the Gilmore Girls with me, and read quietly while I napped. And, finally, a shout out to Mike who wanted to be with me but had a work obligation come up...but I know that he will take good care of me tonight, making soup and also watching an episode of the Gilmore Girls with me (just kidding, hon).

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