

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Belated wishes

I meant to write this on Sunday but found myself too busy to sit down in front of the computer...

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Meg!!

Now it is Happy Belated Birthday...

Ode to my good friend: I have known you since we competed in speech-remember I told you "good job" (little did I know on that day I would have a friend for life). We have both grown and matured (well, I would hope so since high school) and where some friends may grow apart, I think we have grown closer. I don't have a sister, but when I think of having one, I think that you come pretty darn close. I can tell you anything without fear of judgement-I can cry and you understand-I can laugh for hours because of something you said. I am glad you had a special celebration because your celebration needs to match just how special you are.

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