

Thursday, August 28, 2008


So, there are a few things I should update everyone one. I got accepted into the Ignatian Faculty Scholars Program here at Regis and I am excited. We meet one Friday a month all day and learn about Jesuit education in depth for the first year; the second year we apply it to the classroom. I hope I will have a classroom next year...I was invited to the November assessment to teach a class. So this is what my fall looks like...
-One Friday a month-Scholars meeting
-Train the Trainer at the Conflict Center Sept 12, 13 and 14
-Nov 6th assessment
-Nov 10-14 AAACE conference and presentation
-Morey Rec computer classes
And...I am facilitating an online Democracy Lab through the Institute on the Common Good starting Sept 15th for 9 weeks.
Yikes! What about my day job? I have learned that to really enjoy being at Regis I need to get involved outside of my department. I have met so many cool people and I can stay on the surface, not getting bogged down into any one drama. It will be a great fall and I will gain so much experience. A shout out to my friend Beth who connected me with The Conflict Center and the Institute. You rock, girlfriend.

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