

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy birthday to me

35. It doesn't feel much different than 34. Or 30 for that matter. Aside from the tumultuous past few years, my 30's have felt more solid than my 20's did. In my 20's I was always searching for the perfect you fill in the blank. Now I feel pretty satisfied. I think my feet are more in the ground, and the decisions I make are usually exactly what I want. Things feel more purposeful.

At the age of 35 I...
...will be going back to school to embark on a career I started going to school for when I first went to college (that just goes to show that my 20's were a time of exploration)
...have friends I met 20 or 30 years ago
...am one of the few single girls I know
...have dogs, not kids
...am free to travel where I would like, when I would like
...own my own home
...don't feel guilty reading teen novels like Twilight and shopping at Forever 21

All in all, I feel good and ready to take on new challenges and experiences my 35th year and beyond may bring.

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