

Monday, October 29, 2007

Time flies

Time flies when you are living and breathing. I see that I haven't blogged in days! We are moving offices at work and doing the kitchen project at home...thus, I have no time to really sit down and write. I will update with some pictures soon, when I can get to the office and get out our camera.

I had a nice weekend. We ate dinner with Mom and Dad (thanks guys!) on Friday. Saturday we worked all day on the kitchen and then watched the Rockies. Yesterday, Chester, Stan and I went to Chatfield while Mike painted. They were in desperate need of a good old romp, and I need to shake off these extra pounds that are accumlating because of our eating habits of late.

The kithen is going to take a lot longer than Mike planned. The prep takes the longest, and that kitchen in is need of scraping, cleaning, gutting, etc. I think this kichen is going to look so good that if it takes until Christmas who cares! I am so grateful to my handy hubby Mike, and want him to know just how fabulous he is...

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