

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turn 33. That is such a strange age, isn't it? 31 is the first year over the 30 hump, 32 you still feel young, and 34 is the year before your 35th birthday. I guess I need to figure out something special that I can make my own for 33. I will ponder that today.

We are on day #3 of chemo for this session. It hasn't been too bad...well, I guess easy for me to say, I just sit and read books and magazines. Mike has been a bit nauseous, and hasn't been sleeping the best, but I think he is doing okay. And somehow the chemo is making him beat me at Cribbage...he is up by 4 games! Well, 3 actually but I got skunked once so I guess that makes it 4. The nurses have been so kind...one in particular really likes Mike and she dotes on him, makes sure he is comfortable, chats him up, and really helps the time go by fast.

Tonight we will have lasagna with my family to celebrate my birthday. Next week I think some friends are taking me to happy hour which will be fun. All in all, as long as I have my Mike, my friends, my family, and my pooches I feel blessed to be 33.

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