

Monday, October 26, 2009

Turkey Trot Here I Come!

I had been toying around with the idea of walking in the Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning at Wash Park. It will be the first major holiday without Mike and I didn't want to spend the morning sad. I have also been feeling like I really could stand to lose a pound or...10...but had put my WW endeavor on the side. Finally, I need to do something for me. My saying is "I feel like my feet are stuck in slow drying cement". In order to get out of that I need to challenge myself to get out of the norm and do something different. So, I took the plunge and emailed like 100 of my colleagues, friends, family to hold me accountable that I will not just walk the TT but RUN it! I haven't run in months! I had numerous emails sent to me in support, offering to run with me and help me get ready. So I really have to do it! I am very excited that I have the support to get me going. I will plan to use my blog for training updates and I will send a little email out to those interested about my progress. This should be a fun little "Melanie" project. And then...a huge, delicious turkey meal after!

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