

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The feel of a yoga bag slung over my shoulder

So I mentioned in my last post feeling a bit down lately, but the mood turning around due to simple pleasures. I continued my mood odyssey with a commitment to head to yoga this morning. I saw the teacher, Sarah, on Pearl Street over the weekend and decided it was time to re-engage myself in this timeless, peaceful practice. So, I woke up, put on my yoga gear, and slung my yoga bag over my shoulder. And boy, did that feel good.

Purpose. Perhaps that is what has been missing in my life these past few weeks. Sure it is a luxury to have a summer off. However, if all I do is wander aimlessly trying to figure out how to spend the day then that aimless feeling invades my mind and heart, too. Aimlessness is good when I perhaps take a detour on a beautiful mountain road; or when I find myself on a walk only to discover a really beautiful garden or some other surprise. But daily aimlessness can, quite frankly, get me down.

I liked the fact that I woke up today with a purpose. To take a yoga class. My morning felt good, the ritual of getting ready got me feeling excited about the class. I started remembering how amazing yoga feels...the ebb and flow of relaxation intermingled with pushing my body to stretch and reach. That yoga bag symbolized a purpose, and that helped continue my mood toward a positive direction. My day continued to get better. I heard a new Coldplay song. I spent time with two of my favorite friends and their handsome boys. I spent time with mom and dad along with Chester and Stan, sipping tea and watching the boys be praised by grandpa and grandma. A little purpose goes a long, long way.

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