

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Successful Day

Thanksgiving turned out to be a pretty good day. I successfully completed the Turkey Trot with my brother and friend Eva by my side the whole way! When we hit mile 3 I knew I had to push on, but Mike gave me that extra push I needed by giving me a burst of energy. I think he was with us the whole day...the weather was beautiful and a bunch of friends/family spent Thanksgiving morning doing the race and coming over after for a few snacks. Dinner at Mom and Dad's was delicious as usual, and I came home to cozy up on the couch and watch a movie: "He's Just NOT That Into You." I missed Mike but truly believe he was there in all the friendship and love that was felt yesterday.

The rest of the weekend will be pretty relaxing...today I don't quite know what I will do. Tomorrow I will spend the morning with Susan and her little boy doing something, and then dinner with my parents and Mike's parents. Sunday I get to spend the afternoon with my Max which will be very fun, and then dinner with him, Jay and Jess later (baby news alert: They are expecting a boy!). I do miss Mike on a long weekend such as this, and wish he were here to go to a movie with, or to the mall, or on a hike or something. He is never far from my heart and mind.

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