

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Turkey Trot Update

I took on the challenge of running with a co-worker yesterday who is a triathelete. I was very nervous and kept telling her before we went, "Feel free to run ahead," and "I run very slow, just an FYI." She was very patient with me and reassured me that she was looking forward to our run. Off we went after work to the park nearby. She kept my pace which allowed us to talk the whole time. We went once around the lake and I asked her, "Are we going around again?" She said, "Well, I thought we would run this lake twice, but if you want to go back..." I decided to push on, and it became easier as I did. I asked her if she knew how many miles our run was because she lives nearby and she said it was 3 miles. Wow!! 3 miles! I didn't know I had it in me.

I realized some secrets to a successful run: It isn't about how fast but how I keep pace. I need to be able to breathe in deep as I am running, not hyperventilating. I need to push through the first 10 minutes because after that it is really truly downhill after that. If I run with someone it is important to be able to talk. I think if I keep these basic ideas in mind I will be pretty successful.

My brother said he will run the Turkey Trot with me. He, too, is a great running partner-he keeps my pace and pushes me a little to keep going. If he runs with me at least I won't be the only one coming in last at the Trot!

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